Committee Members

Chairman/PRO: Kenneth McKinnon (Life Member)
Vice Chairman: Alec Thomas (Life Member)
Secretary: Brian MacKenzie (Life Member) Treasurer: Stewart Walker David Carlin (Life Member)Committee Anne Cox Committee:


Welcome to the City of Glasgow Royal Naval Association's web site.

All former and serving members of the Royal Navy, Royal Naval Reserve and Merchant Marine services welcome (We even allow other services in to spin a few yarns as well). Come along and have a few wets while shareing your stories and ditties with old and new shipmates.

We meet every third Thursday of the month at 19.30 hours in,

The Buff's Club
935 - 937 Dumbarton Road
Whiteinch, (Previously known as the Stella Maris).

Hoping to see or hear from you soon.

If you wish to leave a comment please click on the comment at the bottom of the posted item.

Kenn McKinnon

Monday 22 October 2012

Standard Dedication/Trafalgar Day Service

On Trafalgar Day in the Glasgow Cathedral we integrated the Trafalgar/Seafarers Service with the dedication of our new Standard. The day went well with a good turn out from our members. In attendance there were standards from all over Scotland and from the Parachute Association. There was a civic reception held in St Mungo’s Museum where Bailie Green the City Chamber representative gave a speech and our chairman gave the response. Our two Standard bearers S/ms David Evans (old Standard) and David Carlin (New standard) did extremely well with their respective escorts, Jack Duncanson, Frank Taylor, David Trimble and Chris Lord. Thanks to S/m F Halliday for training them. Well done lads.

1 comment:

  1. Would anyone be able to help me as to the name and rank of the naval officer who inspected the units at the Seafarers Service?

    I would like to caption some photographs I took of the event with his name. See

